Understanding How Dental Implants Work
Patients in Fountain Hills, AZ, considering dental Implants to replace missing teeth or damaged teeth in their lives may benefit from reading this article, learning why they are a better alternative and finding out more about the whole dental procedure. As one of the most popular forms of restorative dentistry, dental implant surgery has greatly improved over the last several years. Although much has been written about the procedure itself, much less is talked about the impact of choosing a dentist for this procedure. Dental implant surgery involves the insertion of a metal screw into the jaw bone, through which a replacement tooth is made. While this sounds incredibly simple, it can have a number of benefits for patients who find themselves in need of dental implant options.
Dental Implants Work
If you’re thinking of getting dental implants because your current set of teeth no longer fit properly, there are a number of benefits that come from choosing a local cosmetic dentist to perform the procedure. One of the main reasons to choose a dentist for dental implant surgery is because he or she is the best qualified to assess the level of porosity and fragility that your teeth have. Since your denture options involve either bridges or crowns, bridges are fitted during the dental implant procedure, while crowns are installed a few weeks later. By working with a local dentist, you can be assured that your bridge is custom-fit to your mouth, and that your crowns are a perfect match.
Even though your dental implant will require multiple visits to the dentist, the results are often well worth the wait. The aesthetic results of a single tooth implant, completed using a bridge or crown, can be dramatic, especially when matched to a single tooth restoration or a complete bridge restoration. Most dentists place single tooth implants in the exact location of a missing tooth, creating a single seamless smile, with no visible gaps anywhere else on the face. Single tooth implants may also be used in conjunction with a partial plate or single crown, further improving the visual appearance of your smile.