High-Quality Provision for Children With SEND

Developing high-quality universal provision is critical for children with send meaning school. It benefits all pupils and reduces the need for future targeted provision. It includes high-quality teaching and interactions, planning and differentiation, assessment and personalised learning. It also includes developing an inclusive environment – this can be achieved through changes to the learning space and curriculum as well as through teacher support, training and ensuring there are reasonable adjustments to enable students to access activities.

There is a growing need for schools, nurseries and other settings to support children with SEND. It is important for all practitioners to be aware of this and to have a good understanding of SEND so that they are prepared to recognise early signs that a child may struggle.

SEN Demystified: Understanding Its Role in Schooling

If you think a child has a disability or needs extra help, talk to their Health Visitor or the area SENCO. They can refer the child to their local authority to see if they are eligible for an Education, Health and Care Plan. This can include a range of support, for example, speech and language therapy or equipment.

Teachers are increasingly familiar with SEND but, as our previous research on PE in 2021 found, the experience of SEND can vary enormously between schools, even within a single academy trust. In particular, the ability of PE teachers to adapt their teaching and the level of support they can provide for SEND pupils is a significant factor in whether a pupil is identified as having SEND.