How to Apply For a Credit Card With Bad Credit

Applying for a credit card with bad credit may not be an easy task, but you can still get one. The first thing to do is to check your credit report. You should be able to get a copy of your credit report from each of the 3 major credit bureaus, at least once a year. You can request a copy online or by phone.

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Most issuers of credit cards for people with bad credit offer an online pre-qualification or approval service, so you can gauge whether or not you can be approved. Although this doesn’t guarantee you’ll get approved, it is a good way to gauge your chances without harming your credit score.

You should also take a close look at the fee schedule. Some credit cards have low or no annual fees. You should also pay attention to the APR. If you’re trying to avoid carrying a balance, you’ll want to apply for a card with a lower interest rate. Also, you should choose one with rewards programs if you can.

When you apply for a credit card bad credit, make sure you understand all fees and terms. Some of the most common fees are interest rates and penalty APRs. You should look for cards with low fees and relatively high credit limits. Some cards offer bonuses for making on-time payments or automatic reviews for credit limit increases. While rewards are nice, they shouldn’t be the primary motivating factor.