Indulge in a savory smoke without the need for an elaborate cigar humidor or the time-consuming process that comes with it. Known as little cigars, filtered cigars, or cigarillos, Prime Time offers small and flavored smokes that feature quality filters and premium tobacco in a cigarette-sized casing. These miniature-filtered cigars are available in an assortment of flavors to accommodate every taste, from robust tones like Espresso to softer, dessert-inspired varieties like Vanilla. Read More Here
Prime Time little cigars are favored by occasional smokers and casual cigar lovers because of their mild strength and smooth flavor. These machine-made cigars are also renowned for their accessibility and affordability, making them a convenient option for those on the go or those who don’t have the time to smoke a full-sized cigar. They’re available at convenience stores and gas stations, providing an easy, on-the-go option for brief pauses in your hectic schedule.
Savoring the Moment: The Sophistication of Prime Time Cigars
As a leading name in the filtered cigar industry, Prime Time little cigars come in a wide array of flavors and aromas to delight your palate. Whether you’re craving a refreshing swig of strawberry or luscious wild berry, these little cigars will refresh your senses and leave you feeling rejuvenated.
If you want to try these flavored little cigars for yourself, browse through our collection at Native Smokes 4 Less. Our easy-to-navigate selection makes finding your favorite flavors effortless. Select ‘Shop by Brand’ or ‘Shop by Flavor’ to narrow your search and hone in on your preferred choices.